
الصفحة الأساسية > لغات > The columns of vision ..


The columns of vision ..

الجمعة 10 نيسان (أبريل) 2015

- The hand that stem from the sun does not require baptism ....

- When the shape memory of the side characters, consists Socialist and biologically orange and inhaling Abir (odor) of Palestine ...

- When the self jumps on the defense of its borders, You are the result then....

- To those who swarm over the bitterness marching resolutely silent men and mountains, trying to reach ....

- To those leaving horses away from the love-stricken cities ....

- When writing begins, the countdown starts and the lasting stops.....

- The time, the beach, and there stands the horses ...

- Memory stores sun, and fog dissipated, and the intersections show ....

- Vision is the biggest dream of a greater reality and vision ...

- Reliance engaged with the world conscience to the truth and beauty compatibility with Wills and well being is sincerity ...

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Ayman Allabadi.....

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